After successfully completing four seasons in Telugu, the fifth season of Bigg Boss is currently underway. One of the most controversial reality shows on the small screen, Bigg Boss 5 has entered its 4th week with three female contestants being eliminated from the show.
Although the makers roped some unfamiliar faces to the show, the contestants manage to grab viewer’s attention quickly with their game, fights, love tracks. The show is also watched by our Telugu actors. Recently, Sundeep Kishan has extended his support to serial actress Maanas and asked everyone to vote for him.
While senior actress Priya was supported by Bigg Boss runner-up Akhil Sarthak, Sunny is likely to have the support of television celebrities. Now, Hari Teja, who rose to fame with the BB show, recently went live on Instagram in support of RJ Kajal.
The former Bigg Boss contest said that Kajal will undoubtedly provide enough entertainment to the viewers. As Kajal got nominated this week, Hari Teja urged fans to support and vote for Kajal. She strongly believes that Kajal will be in the top 5.