Talented director Harish Shankar’s last movie was ‘Gaddalakonda Ganesh’ which was a decent hit at the box office. Considering his fame and craze, he might have gotten a chance to work with any star hero. But he decided to wait for his favourite hero. The project was announced officially and it was titled ‘Bhavadeeyudu Bhagat Singh’. Fans are excited about this film but Pawan Kalyan seems to be more invested in his other commitments than Harish Shankar’s film.
After waiting for a long time, reports are arriving that Harish Shankar is looking to move forward. Apparently, he is trying to convince other heroes with his storylines. There were rumours about him teaming uo with Ram and the ‘DJ’ director confirmed it at the pre-release event of Ram’s upcoming film ‘The warrior’. He said that they were supposed to work a long time ago but things never materisalised.
He said, “Long back, I narrated a sensitive love story to Ram. It is definitely not Ram’s cup of tea. After listening to the script, he told me that we should do a film that would put the screen on fire. Definitely, I am going to do a film with Ram very soon. However, I can not tell you when will it happen but I am doing a film with Ram. Very soon, when it is the right time, I will talk more about the film I am doing with Ram.”
While Ram and Harish Shankar’s combo is sure to be a treat to everyone, the energetic hero has already committed himself to another project. He is going to work under mass director Boyapati Sreenu. This movie was launched grandly and the shooting will begin once ‘The Warrior’ gets released. We need to see if Harish waits for Ram till the latter finishes Boyapati’s film or he takes up another project.