Clarity is emerging about Pawan Kalyan’s re-entry. Several producers have openly admitted that they had recently interacted with Pawan Kalyan at his movie office in Hyderabad to talk about his next movies. Producers are taking directors to him.
Also, director Harish Shankar has not denied when media asked him whether he is going to direct Pawan Kalyan’s comeback movie.
During his media interaction for the promotion of ‘Valmiki’, media men broached the subject of Harish’s film with Pawan Kalyan.
He replied, “I hope it materializes. I am dying to wield the megaphone for his movie.”
However, Harish Shankar cleverly explained that he met Pawan Kalyan recently to discuss the trailer of ‘Valmiki’ but not for his comeback movie.
Industry buzz is that Harish Shankar has already narrated a single line story to Pawan Kalyan and he is awaiting the final confirmation from the Jana Sena president.
The actor turned politician will be launching his new movie shortly. But he will also continue his Jana Sena activities along with his movie career. Directors like Dolly and Krish are hoping that he’d listen to their scripts.