Earlier this week, TRS chief and Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao attracted the attention of the media by handing over luxury Kia cars to 32 additional collectors.He said, the vehicles were handed over to them so that they can focus on the development works.
Taking a leaf out of KCR, his son-in-law T Harish Rao, who holds the Finance Ministry post, has decided to provide the latest gadgets to Asha workers so that the data pertaining to the medical service can be shared online.
The cabinet sub-committee led by T Harish Rao met for a key meeting which was attended by a few Ministers and Telangana Chief Secretary(CS) Somesh Kumar to discuss the hygiene and facilities at the hospitals.
During the meeting, Harish Rao reportedly became critical of the hygiene at the hospitals and expressed his concerns over bad smell at the facilities. He told the concerned officials to specially focus on the hygiene.
The officials were also directed to provide iPhones, iPads for Asha workers and Helpline Workers as a bid to see that the crucial data can be stored and information on the available medical facilities and services can be uploaded online. This makes things easy for people to search online for the services.
This announcement has invited criticism on what’s the need to spend so much money on Apple products, that are known for its high price and high performance. Critics are advising that any smartphone will do the desired work