Telangana’s first and former Deputy CM, Tatikonda Rajaiah suffered a heart stroke on Tuesday evening and was rushed to a private hospital at Hyderguda. Rajaiah suffering from cardiac stroke two days exactly after his expulsion instantly changed political atmosphere in the new state.
Especially, this comes as a big shock to his followers and his community leaders who were already disappointed with his dismissal. Rajaiaha was fired from the cabinet following KCR’s orders. The reasons were not stated by the government officially but as per the sources, it has been learnt that Rajaiah has “misused” his powers and also failed to control Swine Flu.
KCR did not talk to Rajaiah regarding this and without even asking for any explanation, he was fired from the cabinet. Within no time. Telangana CM KCR has taken MP Kadiyam Srihari into the cabinet and the oath taking ceremony was also held in the presence of governor a day before the Republic day.
This sudden decision of KCR has pushed Rajayya into depression which furtherly resulted in the decrease in Suger and BP levels. The family members of the ex minister immediately admitted him in Apollo hospitals. The doctors are treating him now and a official health bulletin is expected soon.