Young Hero Naga Anvesh, who was seen as child artist in several hit films had debuted as hero with the film Vinavayya Ramayya. Anvesh will next be working with debutante director Palani, who worked as an associate director for SS Rajamouli’s magnum opus film Baahubali.
The film is said to be a fantasy drama and golden leg actress Hebah Patel is confirmed to play female lead. Hebah is riding high with hat trick hits of- Ala Ela, Kumari 21F and Eedo Rakam Aado Rakam. It is heard that, Hebah will essay an angel in the flick.
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Bheems is rendering songs and Gunasekhar is the cinematographer. Principal shooting of the movie has already begun.As we reported earlier, Naga Anvesh listened to 60 scripts in 6 months time and he finally picked Palani as director for his second movie. More details about this yet to be titled movie will be unveiled soon. Anvesh is son of popular producer Krishna Reddy of Sindhoora Puvvu fame.