Creative director Sukumar’s first production venture, ‘Kumari 21F’ made bold actress Hebah Patel an overnight star in Tollywood. She created a sensation with her authentic portrayal of a very bold role. Her bold dialogues and lip locks with Raj Tarun made Hebah the new favorite of Youth. Is the gorgeous actress gearing up for another sensational film?
Hebah has recently signed a film in the direction of ‘Minugurulu’ fame Ayodhya Kumar. She will romance child artiste turned hero Teja Sajja in the film, which has been titled, “Srilakshmi & 24 Kisses”. The interesting title has become a topic of discussion on social media, especially since Hebah is on board.
Buzz in film circles is that Hebah’s character will be very bold in the film and that the title refers to her character’s name. Is she going to kiss the young hero 24 times in the movie? Ayodhya Kumar, who made an unconventional film earlier, would most likely have scripted another unconventional film, and by signing Hebah, he sort of confirmed that it would be a bold attempt.