The people of Tamil Nadu are breathing a sigh of relief. The cause for that is the release of former CM and AIADMK chief Jayalalithaa but the reason for that is, the state saw some heated weeks of tension and arson. Amma as Jaya is fondly called, got support from many groups and one among them was the Kollywood circuit.
While they expressed solidarity with Jaya, now a hero has come forward to share his happiness on a public platform. He is Vaibhav Reddy and here is his tweet- ‘Amma is back:))) Madras is happy with showers.’
The city has been experiencing some rains which cooled down the temperatures in the city. But more than the weather, it is the delight of having their favorite leader back. But at the same time, some are commenting Vaibhav may be celebrating because his movie will now release without any hiccups. For the record, Vaibhav is the son of noted director/producer Kodhandarami Reddy.