Hero Ram Says Marriage Is Not On Cards


Energetic hero Ram is due at Box Office hoping big on new release ‘Nenu Shailaja’ arriving in theaters tomorrow. At a time when many young heroes are losing their bachelorhood by finding right life partners, how many more days Ram will be tagged as Eligible Bachelor despite a fact that he is slowly nearing into 30s. When media tried to buzz him in the same, Ram answered with a cute smile.

‘I don’t know when I am going to marry because there are two to three elders in my family who are still in the waiting list. Of course, wedding topic comes very frequently at my home but nothing is in my hands. It’s the family members who decide on this matter as they knew a fact that I was never in love in the past,’ Ram said.

With his cute and chocolate looks, Ram is a power house performer too. Hopefully the coming new year of 2016 should make him either fall in love or get the nod from family by finding a beautiful bride.