A film was started three years ago amidst big controversy. The posters were released and there was a big uproar both from women organizations and also from the family of an actress whose original name was used as the title of the film. The film received a C Grade appeal initially.
The theme was all about how a young boy of 13 years old gets attracted to a good looking newly married neighbor. The line also received flak from open society though many awaited the release of it.
A new actress was picked up by the producer to do the lead role and the project was given to a debutante director. A well known actor played the male lead. But the director crossed the limits of the script and started shooting unwanted scenes wasting the time and resources. Lack of experience and indiscipline of the director resulted in his ousting and the hero himself took the responsibility of directing the film. In the process, he loved the actress and both of them got married.
The film was also completed and the producer was also happy with the final product. Inside sources say that the film came out well. But the hero is not handing over the first copy of the film to the producer completing the required post production work. He has been saying that some tweaks are yet to be made to finalize.
Everybody is clueless why the hero is not letting the film release when the content also has no problem. Off the record, the sources are saying that the hero is too possessive about his wife to let the film out for release.