Sometimes things don’t go as planned. Earlier days were like, a hero says something or tweets something, it became viral. But now, there are many other viral things that these heroes are not even getting noticed.
He comes from an influential family and became a hero forcibly. Since then he’s being tried hard on the audiences despite the fact that he has no single hit to his credit. And this hero is now upset with poor response from the film industry and film media regarding his latest movie.
Despite the fact that he is talking about it a lot on social media, really no one is caring about it. Especially the film fraternity has not taken it seriously for various reasons best known to them. This has caused huge worry for the hero and he’s said to be seeking shoulders of his friend to cry on an everyday basis.
One has to prove his talents at some point or the other, to make sure that they will get maximum attention. Otherwise, if they keep on continuing, then the exit doors are quite nearer!