According to reports, Bollywood heroine Kajol and director Karan Johar are not in good terms of late and avoided one another recently at a common friend’s party. Kajol and Karan had done some remarkable films like Kuch Kuch Hota Hain, Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gham, My Name is Khan but their bonding is a history now.
In the recently held Manish Malhotra’s show, both Kajol and Karan sit far away from each other and didn’t greet one another. Both have chosen different ways to enter the show and didn’t even meet their eyes.
It all started when someone has reportedly complained to Ajay Devgn that Karan was talking ill of him which instantly drew the former’s ire. Although Karan vehemently denied them and explained it to Ajay over phone, Ajay was in no mood to believe them. And Kajol, of course, chose to support her hubby Ajay.