Pranitha, the glam doll who sizzled on Telugu screen in the film ‘Bava’, considers her upcoming flick ‘Atharintiki Daredi’ as her biggest ever opportunity. Needless to say, she was waiting for the audio launch of the film from so many days to share her working experience and views with the fans. Unfortunately, the gorgeous babe couldn’t attend the event due to unfavorable weather conditions.
As per the official info, Pranitha was off to Thailand few days ago to shoot a song for her Kannada flick ‘Angaraka’. She was about to return to Hyderabad Today but due to heavy rains the timings of her flight has been re-scheduled and so she can’t make it to the audio release function. “So upset that I will not be able to make it to the audio launch of Atharintiki Daredi Today. Apologies to the team and to all the fans. I will definitely come for all the promotions and make up for my absence,” assures the beauty.
Pawan Kalyan, Samantha, Trivikram, Devi Sri Prasad and the rest of the cast and crew will be gracing the audio release at Shilpa Kala Vedhika. Get ready to enjoy the show and songs!