In a shocking development, actress Shweta Basu Prasad has announced her separation from husband Rohit. Shweta, who had tied the knot with Rohit last year i.e December 13, 2018, has shocked her fans by taking to social media that her wedding has been ended in less than a year.
In a long post, Shweta wrote, “Hi everyone, Rohit Mittal and I have mutually decided to part our ways and end our marriage. After months of contemplation, we arrived at this decision few months ago in each others’ best interest, as individuals. Not every book is supposed to be read cover to cover, that doesn’t mean the book is bad, or one can’t read, some things are just best left unfinished. Thank you Rohit for the irreplaceable memories and always inspiring me. have a great life ahead, forever your cheerleader.”
Rohit Mittal is a film director of Autohead fame. Popular Bollywood director Anurag Kashyap had apparently played the ‘matchmaker’ for Shweta and Rohit. Shweta was introduced to Rohit by Anurag Kashyap at his production house Phantom Films.
It was Shweta who had first proposed to Rohit at Goa. Later, Rohit had accepted her proposal in Pune. The duo had seen each other for quite a time before taking their relationship forward. The duo had married on 13th December, 2018 at Pune in a Bengali wedding.