Election to the Rajya Sabha seat of the late union minister Vilas Rao Deshmukh from the Mumbai would be held on January 12. Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chauhan is trying to send his close aide Rohitdas Patil to Rajya Saha from that vacancy.
Meanwhile, the name of Nagma figured causing jitters in the Chief Minister’s camp. It is learnt that Maharashtra Congress affairs in-charge Mohan Prakash and some other leaders of the state have reportedly recommended the name of Nagma to the High Command. As Nagma is from Gujarat, she is likely to get the support of Sonia Gandhi’s adviser Ahmed Patel, who also hails from the state. One senior minister appears to be impressing that if Nagma was given Rajya Sabha membership, it would not only boost Congress chances in Gujarat, but also help gaining the support of Muslim women in Maharashtra and elsewhere. As Nagma has charisma in AP, Tamilnadu and Kerala, she could be used for campaign, her supporters are pointing out.
Nagma is a known Congress supporter. She tried for Lok Sabha ticket from Mumbai or some other northern state in 2009. Though she was denied ticket, she has campaigned for the Congress candidates in the Hindi and Bhojpuri areas of Mumbai. Some Congress leaders are arguing that she should be given ticket as she is a dedicated Congress supporter. However, some prominent leaders are trying to send Vilas Rao’s wife Vaisalini to the upper house. Rajini Patil, former minister Rohit Das Patil, former MLA Muzaffar Hussain and Suodh Mohite who has recently left Shiva Sena and joined Congress are some of the other contestants for the Rajya Sabha seat.