During the Sri Reddy fiasco, where the lady actor heaped filthy accusations on many and went on hurling cuss words at Pawan Kalyan, there is another actress who has come into the limelight as well. She is none other than Madhavi Latha of Nuvvila fame who has supported Pawan Kalyan big time.
Contrary to the reports that she will be joining Janasena, the actress joined Bharatiya Janata Party and guess what she managed to get an MLA ticket also. Madhavi has now claimed that she got Guntur West ticket and will be taking on the bigwigs of other parties.
While Madhavi Latha Pasupuleti is contesting on BJP, we have former IAS officer Thota Chandrasekhar Rao contesting on Janasena ticket. And then veteran Telugu Desam has fielded Maddala Giridhara Rao, YSR Congress got Chandragiri Yesuratnam aboard for the electoral war.
Coming to Madhavi Latha, BJP folks have prefixed that she is ‘Srimathi’ in the list of candidates they have released. We wonder if this heroine is already married or that it is just a mistake.