Yesterday was Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s 48th birthday. Apart from millions of his fans, several film industry colleagues also wished the Janasena chief. But it’s Komaram Puli heroine Nikesha Patel’s wishes to Pawan that became a hot topic.
Wishing Pawan Kalyan on her Twitter, Nikesha mistakenly used the hashtag #HappyBirthdayPawalaKalyan which Pawan’s trolls were trending. Needless to say, Nikesha came under a severe troll attack from Pawan’s enraged die-hard fans. They chided Nikesha for her irresponsible tweet while wishing the man with who she made her acting debut around a decade ago.
Realising her grave mistake a few hours later, Nikesha deleted the controversial tweet and again tweeted birthday wishes for Pawan with all the right hashtags. But unfortunately, the damage was already done went she was brutally trolled despite apologising for her goof up.