Top Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone is also called a fashionista. She makes sure to turn heads with her style whenever she makes appearances at parties, award nights etc, needless to say that each of her dresses cost a few lakhs. Hence, she obviously made it to headlines when she appeared at a recent party wearing Rs 335 worth top.
Yes, you heard it right. The H&M black tank top that Deepika chose to wear when she made a stylish entry at hero Shahid Kapoor’s recent birthday bash cost her a mere Rs 335. She however spent lavishly on the rest of her dress and accessories which cost her around Rs 2 lakh.
Wearing a Rs 2 lakh worth outfit and spending just Rs 335 out of it for the top is one quirky fashion statement.
On work front, Deepika is currently shooting for Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s periodic film ‘Padmavati’, in which she is essaying the titular role.