The woman who was allegedly raped by Uber taxi driver Shiv Kumar Yadav identified the man at the Tis Hazari court where she had gone to record her statement, and shouted “he is the devil who raped me”, Delhi Police said in its chargesheet. Police said in the chargesheet that the woman, after recording her statement before a magistrate, was coming out of the court and saw the accused driver who was being taken by police for his custodial interrogation.
“The prosecutrix (woman)… Shiv Kumar Yadav ko dekhte huye pehchan liya aur shinakht karte hue chillai ki ‘yahi woh darinda hai jisne mera rape kiya hai’ (the woman identified Shiv Kumar Yadav after spotting him and shouted ‘he is the devil who raped me’),” the chargesheet said. The incident took place at the Tis Hazari court Dec 8, when the woman went to record her statement before Metropolitan Magistrate Riya Guha in court room No.247, while Yadav was coming out from court room No.264 presided by Metropolitan Magistrate Ambika Singh, who allowed Delhi Police to quiz the 32-year-old driver for three days.
Yadav was arrested Dec 7 and was brought before the court in a muffled face Dec 8. He refused to undergo a test identification parade. When he was coming out of the court room, he removed the muffler, saying he was feeling suffocated. The woman, who was at the same time coming out from another court room, spotted him and identified him.
Citing the woman’s statement before the magistrate in its chargesheet, police said the woman said she was raped during recording of her statement under section 164, of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC). Yadav allegedly raped the woman on the night of Dec 5 when she was heading back home in north Delhi’s Inderlok area in the cab he was driving. The woman works for a finance company in Gurgaon.
The chargesheet was filed Dec 24 — 19 days after the rape and the cognizance of the chargesheet was taken by a magistrate court Jan 5. Police chargesheeted Yadav under sections 376 (rape), 366 (kidnapping or abducting woman with an intent to compel her for marriage), 506 (criminal intimidation) and 323 (voluntarily causing hurt) of the Indian Penal Code.
In the over 100-page chargesheet, police cited 44 prosecution witnesses in support of its case. Police also relied on forensic evidence and placed on record the route map of the car in which the offence was committed.