The other day, senior actor and Telugu Desam Party MLA from Hindupur Nandamuri Balakrishna created a flutter in the political circles by occupying the chair of the chief minister of Andhra Pradesh at the CM’s conference hall in Velagapudi Secretariat in Amaravati and conducted a review meeting on the forthcoming Lepakshi festival.
It led to several comments in the social media wondering whether Balayya was planning to usurp the throne of his brother-in-law.But senior Congress leader and former MP C Ramachandraiah says Balakrishna could become a better chief minister than Naidu.
“In my view, if Balakrishna is made the chief minister of the state, he can provide a better administration to the people. If not Balayya, even finance minister Yanamala Ramakrishnudu can rule the state better than Naidu,” Ramachandraiah, who had once played a key role in the TDP, said in Kadapa.
He said Naidu was only cheating the people with his foreign visits and conducting partnership summits.“Let him issue a white paper as to how many times he had visited foreign countries and how many investments he had brought through his visits,” he demanded.
Ramachandraiah said even Naidu’s recent meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi was only to discuss his personal issues and getting the approval for increasing the number of assembly constituencies and not to discuss the issues pertaining to AP Reorganisation Act.
“Both the state and central governments have betrayed the people of the state,” he alleged.