King Nagarjuna’s ‘Bhai’ is currently in a brisk pace of its shoot. It is heard that Zee TV has bagged the satellite rights of this film for a whopping price of Rs.6 Crores. This is the highest ever satellite price for any of Nagarjuna’s movies so far. Instead of his regular practice of giving the satellite rights to his own channel MAA TV, Nagarjuna, this time preferred to sell the movie’s rights to another channel.
Saucy seductress Richa Gangopadhyay has teamed up with nagarjuna in this mass and comedy entertainer. The makers have earlier made it clear that nagarjuna is not doing the role of don in this film. Music of this movie is composed by Devi Sri Prasad. Veerabhadram is directing this movie on Annapurna Studios, which is owned by nagarjuna. The movie is slated for release on 29th of August.