Super Star Rajinikanth’s new film Kabali is going to release on 22nd July. P A Ranjith is the director of the movie. Kalaipuli S Thanu is the producer of the film. There are so many interesting things happening at the box office now. The film is expected to smash all the records that are existing. Rajinikanth and Radhika Apte are playing the lead roles in the film. There are many highlights in the film Kabali which are expected to impress the audiences big time. Chitramala exclusively brings you some of the highlights of the film.
Kabali Highlights:
* Rajini’s character sketch is similar to Nelson Mandela’s life.
* The introduction scene is tipped to generate goosebumps.
* The action sequences of the film are going to be major highlights in the film.
* Some companies in Chennai and Karnataka have called for a holiday on the release of Kabali.
* The different looks of Rajinikanth will be a special highlight.
* The interval bang of the film is going to be another important highlight in the film.
* Kabali is expected to break all the existing records at Indian box office.
The film is set for a release in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and Malay languages.