Young actor Anand Deverakonda is making all the positive moves in his career. He is aware of his strengths and weaknesses which is why he took the unconventional path. He is not going after the regular commercial image and trying to impress the audience with new concepts. After making his debut with ‘Dorasani’, he pleased the audience with pleasant and cool movies like ‘Middle Class Melodies’, ‘Pushpaka Vimanam’ and others is all set to arrive with an intriguing film titled ‘Highway’.
He is playing the lead role in this nerve-wrenching psycho-thriller which will be released on the popular OTT platform ‘Aha’. The trailer was released a while ago and it looks very thrilling. The film revolves around a psycho killer who goes after young girls. ‘Rey’ beauty Siyami Kher will be seen as a police officer investigating the case while Manasa Radhakrishna, Abhishek Banerjee, John Vijay, Reshma Pasupuleti, Sathya and others play crucial roles.
The trailer doesn’t reveal the complete story but makes you get completely invested. There are a lot of thrilling and chilling moments in the trailer which are going to impress you. Popular cinematographer KV Guhan who turned into a director with ‘118’ handled the megaphone once again for this project. Venkat Talari is the producer while Guhan himself is the writer. Presented by NorthStar Entertainment banner, Simon K King is the music composer. This racy thriller is going to premiere on 19th August. As the makers said, ‘Some meetings leads to journeys… Some journeys leads to disasters..’ Let us wait and see where this ‘Highway’ takes us.