Actor-turned-politician Prakash Raj falls into trouble again as a 2018 video of him comparing the Hindu festival of RamLeela with Child porn has now gone viral in outrage. Prakash Raj is seen accusing Uttar Pradesh Chief Miniter Yogi Adityanath of promoting RamLeela events.
His statements of calling the whole event bringing in the fear among minorities have created a stir. He also accused that CM Yogi participating in religious activities is nothing but just a drama.
Hindu Mahasabha has found his statements of comparing RamLeela with Childporn wrong on many levels and filed a complaint to Karnataka film chamber demanding for a ban of Prakash Raj from films altogether. They stated that Prakash Raj’s statements have offended Hindu Gods, Hindu beliefs, Ramayana and the entire community followers.
Demanding to immediately banish Prakash Raj from Kannada film industry, members of Akhila Bharata Hindu Mahasabha asked to not give him any offers.
They have also aggressively stated in the letter that, if offers are given in spite of their demand, there will be more furious and wrath fight from their side. On the other hand, netizens have already trended the hashtag #PrakashInsultsRam and started boycotting his films.