With ‘RX100’ hero Kartikeya emerged as bold star and then followed ‘Hippi.’ The teaser went viral as Kartikeya has once again indulged in excessive lip locks and offered a visual treat to the audience. Now the film’s trailer is out and ‘Hippi’ appears to be about live-in relationship which is a trend now among the young.
But not to forget, Kartikeya playing the role of a boxer, looks extremely dashing. His long hair, big tattoo on the arm and colourful costumes, give a refreshing take to his role. His love with the female lead, Digangana Suryavanshi is something how the modern relationships are but the conflict goes for a miss may be to maintain the suspense.
The latter half of the trailer, gets emotional and enters our own JD Chakravarthy. He seems like a mentor to the protagonist who always lectures about girls and love.
Written and directed by TN Krishna, ‘Hippi’ is packed with romance and action. Kartikeya seems to have put a lot of efforts and it is evident in the trailer.
Produced by V Creations, the film is releasing this summer.