Hollywood science fiction film, “Divergent” trilogy, which has released three films in 2014, 2015 and 2016 got popular in India as well. Film’s lead heroine Shailene Woodley became a young sensation with immense fan base developed, in India as well.
In 2016, it came as a shocker when heroine Shailene was arrested by police and taken to and taken to Morton County jail. The 25-year-old actress was arrested for criminal trespassing after she turned up at a construction site to protest against the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline project in North Dakota.
It is almost a year and the actress finds it tough to forget about the horrific acts that took place last year on October 10th. “I was strip-searched and was almost naked. I was asked to bend and spread my butt. They looked for drugs in my a**” revealed the actress.
Shailene Woodley compared herself to a caged animal after she has been locked in the jail cell. It was in March this year, she signed a court document which revealed that she was guilty and surrendered a 500 USD bond.