In an unfortunate incident veteran actor G Rao who is 70 -years passed away on Wednesday. The ace actor has been suffering from age-related issues as per the reports and was admitted to a hospital a few days back. While undergoing treatment he breathed his last at the hospital facility.
The Kannada actor acted in many films. But he shot to super fame with his role in the sensational KGF franchise. He played a blind man role in the film which became popular. He gives big elevations to the lead role played by Rocking Star Yash.
The old man’s character adds intensity to Yash’s role. Though he decides to not fight until he accomplishes his goal he changes his mind and decides to save him. When the goons try to kill the blind man Yash steps in and saves him.
Reacting to the news, Hombale Films which bankrolled the film took to Twitter to offer condolences to the actor. In a Tweet made in Kannada, the production house paid tributes to the veteran actor.
Media reports say that Krishna G Rao complained of exhaustion while he was going to his relative’s house. Following this, he was rushed to a nearby hospital. He was placed on ICU support initially and given treatment. Sadly he passed the other day.