Superstar Rajinikanth has become occupied with the film shoot over the past couple of years. Within a year, he came up with three releases. His last film Petta brought the vintage Rajini back on to the screen and was a super success at the box office. Now, he is busy with the shoot of his upcoming film Darbar.
Star director AR Murugadoss is helming this high octane action entertainer. Rajini will be playing the role of a cop in the movie. Apparently, he will be seen as a ruthless encounter specialist. ALready, the film has completed a couple of schedules in Mumbai. Nayanthara is playing the female lead in it.
Prateik Babbar and Nivetha Thomas will be seen in other key roles. The team will start the next schedule in Chennai, by the end of this month. Darbar is being produced by Lyca Productions. Anirudh Ravi Chander is scoring the music.