Sakshi Chaudhary is the Telugu heroine who was shot to fame with the film James Bond where she acted with Allari Naresh. She did not get the much-needed recognition in Tollywood and was limited for some small budgeted flicks. The actress is now gearing up for her next movie Suvarna Sundari which is carrying a positive buzz in the film industry. The makers launched the theatrical trailer sometime back and it opened to a positive buzz.
Before the trailer launch event, Sakshi took to Twitter to convey her followers a message that she is being lured with offers on Twitter by some people. She even said that she is getting offers to fulfill sexual desires at a price of one crore for one night. She made it clear that she is not the person who encourages such people or offers. The tweet went viral and stirred up a big discussion on social media too.
After garnering the attention of the media, she is now maintaining the silence on the same. When the media people questioned her about it at a press interaction event, Sakshi maintained the silence and also deleted the tweet.
People are wondering about the same and are expressing a lot of doubts. Let’s see if she has anything else to say about it.