Films like Prasthanam, Orange, Solo, Sakthi and recently Heart Attack have grabbed attention for Kannada circuit’s ex-heroine Pavitra Lokesh. Right now she is the pick of Telugu directors when it comes to casting a beautiful lady for a mother role. Imagine what her age is!
For starters, Pavitra Lokesh is just 35 year old who turned heroine at the age of 21 in Kannada films. Her father happens to be a small-time character artist who got 300+ films to his credit. After his sudden demise, this hot actress took it to becoming heroine and did dozens of Kannada movies that went unnoticed by many Telugu movie lovers. Later she got the chance to act in Telugu flicks as a mother and sister-in-law, and Prasthanam has given a big break followed by her role in Siddharth’s ‘Baava’ where she is paired with Rajendra Prasad.
She reckons that there is no worry playing a 50 year old on silver screen though she is mother of a 3 year old kid in real life. ‘It’s all about acting, and I’m happy with the work I’m getting’, signs off Pavitra Lokesh. Get ready to watch her in upcoming ‘Race Gurram’ too as mother of hero Allu Arjun.