Speculations are rife in social, online media that actor Balakrishna would enter Bigg Boss house to promote his Paisa Vasool. Both Nandamuri fans and Tarak fans are going berserk over these rumours that whether both Balayya and NTR would meet face-to-face or not, given their alleged family feud. This is now the hot topic in film circuits.
However, when contacted, highly-placed sources close to actor Balakrishna have quashed the rumours. “Balakrishna won’t be attending. He is not interested in such events,” said a source close to the actor.
Earlier during his birthday, Balayya had a live chat with his fans in Facebook and promoted his film Paisa Vasool. So many thought that Balayya turned tech savvy and would also promote his film in Bigg Boss. But it is not the case. It is learnt that Balayya’s Bigg Boss entry turned out to be false as the Legend actor is not keen at all.
So far, Rana Daggubati, Taapsee and Vijay Devarakonda have entered into the Bigg house in Pune to promote their films on TV and in a way, it worked for all these actors.