The unfortunate and shocking demise of music director Chakri has dealt a deep blow to the Tollywood film fraternity. However, what is happening at his household is bringing many heads to hang in shame and disgust. Well, issues have cropped up between Chakri’s family and his wife Sravani. Reports say Chakri’s family has filed a case on Sravani and she has gone to HRC for protection.
It is a very bad thing to happen with the kind of allegations both sides are throwing at each other. It is barely three days since Chakri passed away and wherever his soul is, it would definitely not be at peace looking at the incidents. While that is one side, instead of sympathy these issues are causing disturbance to people and they are asking how they can have faith in humanity and relations.
The fact that these household issues have reached the media has magnified the entire issue. We can only hope that things settle as quickly and peacefully as possible between Sravani and Chakri’s family. Peace be with you Chakri!