Apart from spinning money at the box office Prince Mahesh’s ‘Srimanthudu’ was acclaimed by critics for its social message of adopting a village and developing it. Latest snippet is that Bollywood’s handsome hero Hrithik Roshan showed interest on doing this film.
Hrithik Roshan has reportedly asked Koratala Siva, to make some changes to the script so that it gets suited to Hindi audiences. If everything gets materialized, Koratala Siva, who directed Telugu version of the movie, will helm the Hindi version as well. Eros International will be producing the film.
‘Srimanthudu’ collected a share of Rs.83 crores and stood as the second biggest grosser of Tollywood next to ‘Baahubali’. Shruthi Haasan sizzled opposite to Mahesh in family entertainer. Mahesh is currently busy working for ‘Brahmotsavam’ being directed by Srikanth Addala.