The spat saga between Bollywood stars Hrithik Roshan and Kangana Ranaut has been a bottomless sea. With all the shocking accusations and lawsuits, the duo has been a hot topic for a time. When the intensity of their dispute is gradually decreasing over time, here is a twist to all the episodes.
Buzz is that Kangana ignited new sparks by hiring her rumoured ex-boyfriend Hrithik’s sacked manager Anjali. After working together for twelve years, Hrithik had some problem with his manager Anjali (working through Exceed company) and sacked her. And when Anjali applied for a job, Kangana immediately hired her through her own company Bling. With Anjali being a close acquaintance with Hrithik, now many wonder what will she spill about the macho hero to Kangana.
However, Anjali trashed all such comments claiming that they have a very professional relationship and admitted that she made things clear with Queen beauty that the discussion of Hrithik will never erupt between them.
Whatever the situation is, some are confident that amidst the controversial rumours between Kangana and Hrithik, this is going to create some uncomfortable incidents between them again.