The ugly dispute between Bollywood star hero Hrithik Roshan and heroine Kangana Ranaut has been going on from longtime. After allegations and counter-allegations by both parties publicly, the issue appeared to have calmed down. But not exactly. It all started with Kangana’s subtle insult -“silly ex”, and it turned into a full-blown mudslinging match, where legal notices were exchanged, private emails were made public and accusations were made. While Hrithik has maintained silence, Kangana has been vocal since day one, claiming that Hrithik was in a romantic relationship with her “behind closed doors.”
Digging the topic again in her latest interaction with media, Kangana alleged that Harithik went and cried to the entire industry claiming his ‘innocence’ and tired to ‘sabotage’ her career. She alleged that Hrithik ‘tried’ to ‘spoil’ her career. “Many friends of mine have told me that Hrithik approached them with evidence against me. After this they contacted me and asked about the truth. But, I haven’t tried to explain my side yet. Hrithik has worked relentlessly in Bollywood to spoil my career,” Kangana was quoted as saying. The ‘Queen’ actress further added that the evidence Hrithik had shown her friends isn’t significant. She said Hrithik ‘tried’ to haraas her. “Someone impersonating as Hrithik tried to get into my good graces. This happened because of Hrithik. Instead of clarifying the incident with the impersonator, Hrithik says ‘You must say sorry’.”
Adding more fuel to the ongoing fued, Kangana alleged that the impersonator is none other than Hrithik himself. Kangana also dismissed the rumours that she allegedly sent 1439 emails to Hrithik, Kangana told in recent interview that she doesn’t write “such crap” as she is a “certified screenwriter” from New York Film Academy.
Let’s see how Hrithik will respond to the latest volley of allegations made by Kangana.