The actor turned politician Pawan Kalyan seems to be very much concentrated on the upcoming local body polls. Now Pawan Kalyan’s Delhi tour is the hot topic in AP political circles as the last time he planned a sudden tour to Delhi ended up as the alliance with the Bharatiya Janatha Party.
Now, the Janasena supremo met the BJP working president JP Nadda and spoke to AP BJP president Kanna Lakshmi Narayana over the phone. Senior leaders like Sunil Deodhar were part of this meeting and this is an intense one that lasted for hours.
The world from the grapevine is out that the center ensured the Janasena supremo their full support for the upcoming elections. The entire alliance feels that this is the time to fancy their chances in the local body elections and set up a proper tone for the 2024 elections.
It is being said that the Janasena-BJP duo is looking to focus on the Amaravati region mainly and it is not going to be a smooth road for them as TDP is ready to pounce on YSRCP in the Amaravati region and the three districts linked to it.
How ever, this promise from BJP will give a huge boost up to Pawan Kalyan who is busy doing films and leading a restless life and all he needs is to set up his campaigning time table in a strategic way.