After scoring two back to back hits like S/o Satyamurthy and Sarrainodu, stylish star Allu Arjun has teamed up with Gabbar Singh fame Harish Shankar to bring out “DJ Duvvada Jagannadham”. Though the promotions of this film are yet to start, we find that the PR (Press Relations) team of Bunny and his movie are finding it headache in one particular aspect.
Here in DJ Duvvada Jagannadham’s case, this PR team is assigned with the job of safeguarding Bunny’s look from the film. Till date, none knows how this mega hero looks inside the film. Now and then there are some on-location pictures of Bunny coming up, but they are sans makeup. However other day a fan managed to get true look of Allu Arjun from the film, with straightened hair and coloured beard. As the photo got leaked to a media house, they have published the pictures as well.
But in no time, PR machinery of Bunny jumped into action and made sure that the photos get deleted from the network. As a mark of respect to Bunny’s hard work, even the media houses happily agreed to take them down, say sources. PR teams generally get active when a particular film is inching it’s release date, but here in DJ Duvvada Jagannadham’s case, PR team are having an advanced festival it looks.
Meanwhile DJ Duvvada Jagannadham is rumoured to be an extension of Chary character from VV Vinayak’s Adhurs movie. We have to wait for the film to find out the truth.