The BJP is pulling all the guns to dethrone the ruling TRS party in Telangana. In a fresh setback, the founder president of Telangana Boggu Gani Karmika Sangham (TBGKS) Kengarla Mallaiah resigned and with this, the TRS-affiliate body TBGKS is split into two groups.
Singareni Collieries is TRS’s stronghold and to split the ruling party supported trade union is a big task. BJP managed to do it successfully.
Media reports inform that Mallaiah has already held talks with Telangana BJP leadership and got proper assurance from T’BJP president Laxman. Getting the support, Mallaiah is likely to join Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh, the labour wing of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh in another couple of days.
After resigning to TBGKS, Mallaiah said, he was insulted in the party and even when he complained to TRS high command, they did not bother. The term of current trade union will end in October 2019 and the upcoming elections are going to be a one-on-one battle between BJP backed and TRS backed unions.