Former TDP MP Nama Nageswara Rao seems to have landed in major trouble. A criminal case has been filed against him with the Jubilee Hills Police Station. A person named CK Ramakrishnan has alleged that Nama has been having an extramarital affair with his wife Sujatha Ramakrishnan since 2013.
As per the media reports, Ramakrishnan has been residing in the USA since 1992. His wife Sujatha returned to Hyderabad in 2014. Nama used to occasionally visit Sujatha at her Jubilee Hills Road No.45 residence. Ramakriahnan further alleged that in October last year, Sujatha called him and told him that she is being threatened by Nama and his brother Seethaiah to divorce him and live-in with Nama. Sujatha even filed a case against Nama in October last year.
Two days ago, Ramakrishnan returned to Hyderabad and found his wife depressed. When enquired, Sujatha confessed to him of having an extramarital affair with Nama since 2013. But of late, Nama and Seethaiah have been harassing and even threatening her to divorce her husband.
Following Ramakrishnan’s complaint, the cops registered criminal case against Nama and Seethaiah under IPC sections 497, 504 and 506. The matter is under investigation at the moment.