Post losing the Nizamabad Lok Sabha seat, Kalvakuntla Kavitha completely went silent. These days she is hardly seen out and is looking after her Telangana Jagruthi works and also responding to help queries on Twitter.
With Huzurnagar result coming in favour of TRS party, Kavitha tweeted something on politics after a long time. “Trust on CM KCR is growing and I thank the people of Huzurnagar for voting for TRS. Also special congratulations to all the TRS party workers who have worked tirelessly for the party’s victory in the by-election,” tweeted Kavitha.
Well, initially we had reports that CM KCR had plan to field Kavitha from Huzurnagar. But due reasons best known to him, KCR preferred Saireddy over Kavitha. What if Kavitha had contested? Would the result had gone the other way? We are not sure! But we can say that she missed out a good opportunity.