Courting a controversy, Telangana State Minister for Roads & Buildings Tummala Nageswara Rao stated that he’d not support IT minister and CM KCR’s scion KT Ramarao to be nominated as the CM.”I will stand by KCR and the TRS but am against to family rule in politics. I’ll not support my own son in politics as I’m dead against to family legacy. And there’s no question of me supporting others’ sons,” Tummala said creating a stir in the party.
Asked whether he would not support KTR for the CM’s post if such situation arose, he said, “I don’t support him being nominated as CM. If he climbs up the ladder on his own mettle, no one could stop him.”With KTR being projected as the next CM, these comments certainly going to irk KCR and several other TRS leaders.
But Tummala made his stand clear calling spade a spade. On other hand, Tummala is contesting as TRS candidate for Palair by-polls and KTR is the party in-charge for the election. Now it needs to be seen how KTR reacts.