Talking about his film Bengal Tiger, which is releasing this Friday, Ravi Teja says, “It’s not an extraordinary story, but a regular story with a commercial package.” “Director Sampath Nandi narrated this story to me nearly three years back. But both of us had commitments and that’s the reason it happened now,” says Ravi, adding, “Basically, Sampath is a good writer and I like his dialogues. So when he came up with this subject, I told him to develop it.” Talking about the title Bengal Tiger, Ravi says, “Usually people say that the Bengal tiger is an intelligent animal, thus we used that title. Nothing more than that.” The actor is romancing Tamannah and Raashi Khanna in this film. “This is the fist time both these actresses are working with me. It was a wonderful experience and I enjoyed thoroughly. Tamannah is already a proven star and Raashi Khanna is an upcoming actress, but both have passion and dedication towards their work. Very nice to work with such positive people and we became good friends,” says Ravi. In a song sequence, the actor lifts both the actresses. Asked about the feat, he says, “When I am in front of the camera my energy levels are always high. It was a momentary thing and when I did it, my dance master immediately says ‘yes’. We didn’t practice for that particular scene, I just did it spontaneously,” says the actor
He adds that he is never nervous before his films release. “Once a film releases, I don’t go deep into the result, I concentrate on my next project. I never dig into the past to analyse the reasons for a success or a failure,” he says. There have been reports that Ravi had blamed director Surender Reddy for the debacle of Kick 2. The actor clarifies, “That is all false news. I never blame anyone for any of my film’s failures. Ups and downs are common in the industry. I always maintain good relations with all my directors and other actors,” he says. He adds that some people enjoy spreading negative news. “Suri (Surender Reddy) and I are good friends and we will definitely work in the near future,” he says. He adds that he always keeps his professional and personal relationships apart. “If both get mixed then problems arise. I generally don’t like to talk about my private life in public. I don’t like comparisons too, because people have their own style. If my presence is required then I will do my part, otherwise I don’t come out. I don’t do anything for publicity. I do my part of social service, but I don’t want to talk about it and I don’t need publicity for it,” he says.
When asked about expanding his market into other languages he says, “Thanks to Rajamouli and his Baahubali, the Telugu market has opened up in other languages. It is just the beginning and now we have to cater to those audiences and the kind of subjects they like. Generally the Tamil audience’s taste is completely different. I am interested in doing films in other languages and it all depends on the right scripts,” he says. The actor says that he now wants to do an intense film and he is discussing the same with writers. “Yes, many young writers are meeting me and discussing ideas. I always wants to encourage new talent,” he says, adding that he is open to multi-starrers too.