Former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, Jayalalitha who came out of jail on bail said she is used to swimming in a sea of inferno. Jayalalitha was sent to jail by special court in Bangalore and after spending time in jail after Bangalore High Court rejected her bail application, she moved to Supreme Court, which gave favourable ruling on her interim bail.
Jayalalitha was sent to jail on 18 year old disproportionate assets case. Jayalalitha speaking for the first time after coming out of jail said she has been experiencing these ordeals eversince she committed herself to public service.
She expressed her condolences for the death of 193 people in the aftermath of her arrest. She announced relief of 3 lakh to each of the deceased families. She announced that her party will give 50000 each to another three who were receiving treatment after attempting suicide. All people of Tamil Nadu celebrated Jayalalitha’s release.