Undisputed king of comedy in Tollywood, Brahmanandam, made an emotional appeal to all the students and even teachers in the Telugu states. In an interview on the occasion of Teacher’s Day, Brahmanandam, who himself was a teacher before he entered films, joined his hands and desperately pleaded everyone to curb the ragging menace in the educational institutions.
Brahmanandam further addressed students and said that he makes everyone laugh with his comedy but he is now deeply devastated and often shed tears on hearing the news of series of young college students committing suicides due to ragging. On this Teacher’s Day, Brahmanandam hoped for a better teacher-student relationship.
Brahmanandam further stated that there is a teacher’s role behind every great man’s success. Reminded teacher’s role of paving the road of success for their students, the comedy star further lamented that the values of a teacher are deteriorating in the present day’s society, as days have come where teachers and students are boozing together.