I relate to Size Zero: Anushka

Anushka Shetty_0_0

During the audio release of Size Zero on Sunday, Anushka, who had to put on a lot of weight for the film, spoke about how she felt related to the film personally. “When I was a yoga teacher, I would see many women feel insecure when they put on weight. They saw magazines and films and would be insecure about themselves. I myself have gone through these emotions in the last 15 years as I put on weight and reduced. So the script is connected to me in real life,” said Anushka.

She adds, “You have to be comfortable in your own skin. I support the fact that everyone should exercise and be healthy, but at the same time you should not feel insecure about your size, colour etc.”

The film has a message: Don’t feel insecure about your size. “When Prakash narrated the script, I immediately said yes.” Prakash’s wife Kanika has written the story.