Actress Sweta Basu now did a big volte face. After weeks of admitting her “act” and even reasoned that “lack of opportunities” and “financial condition” “compelled” her to indulge in the vicious cycle of flesh trade, Sweta Basu in front of the court pleaded innocence.
In her recorded statement to the Court, Sweta Basu claimed, “I’m a student and am pursuing my graduation.” Sweta alleged that she was “falsely implicated” in the prostitution case by police. This is not all. Sweta corroborated that the hotel room in which she was caught was booked by the organizers of Santosham Awards and said she was living like any other actors who all attended the awards function.
Sweta’s latest statements have set tongues wagging in T-town. However, cops who did sting operation like customers have a different story to tell. They said the place of hotel room was informed by “pimp” Balu and he took the “money” at Sweta’s behest. Police now going to probe the matter to get more facts in the case. Court has asked Sweta to stay in Rehabilitation Centre for 6 months.