Mumbai: Actress Sonakshi Sinha, who started her career as a costume designer, says she wanted to be an astronaut and that it was fate which crafted her switch from fashion to cinema. The daughter of Bollywood actor-turned-politician Shatrughan Sinha forayed into the Hindi film industry with Salman Khan-starrer “Dabangg” in 2010. Bollywood’s “Shotgun Junior” shared her sentiments in an interview on Colors Infinity’s show “Born Stylish” with host and designer Pria Kataaria Puri.
She said: “To be honest, I wanted to be an astronaut, my math was so bad though that no institute would have given me admission. I love sports, I like to swim and play tennis so I also thought of becoming a swimmer once. “Being in fashion designing, I used to sketch well, I thought of becoming an artist also but eventually, I landed up being an actress. There were a lot of people from different walks of life who inspired me while making a career choice. I was always a courageous girl!”
A simple dialogue like “Thappad se darr nahi lagta saab ji. pyar se lagta hai” from “Dabangg” is still a rage among cinema buffs. The actress, who is busy shooting for her upcoming films “Akira” and “Force 2”, says she “never thought a heroine can get famous for her dialogue”.
She said: “For me, the switch from fashion to cinema was all destiny. Arbaaz (Khan) spotted me at one of the fashion shows and approached me for the movie ‘Dabangg’, though I never wanted to be there, it was an offer I could not say no to. I had never thought a heroine can get famous for her dialogue; my father’s expertise has clearly rubbed-off on me”.