India’s world cup semi final loss had hurt Virat Kohli and Anushka more than any other cricket loving Indian. The couple was under extreme pressure when the angry Indians vented out their angst over Anushka, blaming that she was the reason for Virat’s terrible performance which had cost the match. However, the couple remained brave even in such intense heat.
Speaking to the media after a recent IPL match, the Royal Challengers Bangalore captain Virat Kohli said that the adverse situations and consequences after the semi final loss has brought them both more closer to each other. ‘If someone is saying bad things about my partner, obviously I will get angry because that’s a very personal thing to me’, said Virat.
Virat further said that he feels calm, stable and happy on the field whenever Anushka watches his matches from the gallery. Sounding emotional, Virat also said that no external pressure can affect his relationship with Anushka anymore since they both have stuck to each other in difficult times. The actress has now been accompanying Virat during his matches in the ongoing IPL season.