Mega Powerstar Ram Charan is one man who dares to cancel a film even though it’s shooting is mid-way. Earlier he has cancelled ‘Merupu’ half way, which got ‘Bangaram’ director wielding megaphone. And then Koratala Siva’s movie was stalled recently after Muhurat shot was committed. Charan says, ‘we have rushed filming of those flicks even without setting up concrete story’, revealing the reason behind stalling of those movies.
‘Koratala Siva’s movie didn’t even had a solid story when we laid foundation stone. Producer Bandla Ganesh pressurized us to start film, but I felt like disjoint story and screenplay will hamper the total output and hence cancelled it’, said Charan, while interacting with media. What about his future movies? Has he committed any with either Sreenu Vytla or Boypati Sreenu. ‘I’ve heard three stories from Boyapati Seenu but nothing really evinced me any interest. Sreenu Vytla is yet to narrate a new story’, he says, revealing what is happening with his future projects. Also the young megastar hinted that he might star in a bilingual that will be directed by acclaimed Gowtham Menon. Any Bollywood plans? Charan isn’t free for the now to focus on Bollywood again.