Violent protests took place across Karnataka today over the question of a CBI probe into the death of IAS officer DK Ravi. In Bangalore, the protesters of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad — the student wing of the BJP — were lathicharged by the police.
In Tumkur too, the mob clashed with the police. The opposition BJP and JDS, which are holding an indefinite protest at the assembly, said they will take their demand to Governor Vajubhai Vala. The protesting lawmakers have spent two consecutive nights at the Assembly.
The Union home minister, Rajnath Singh, has spoken to Karnataka chief minister Siddaramaiah and advised that the state opt for a CBI inquiry. Despite the rising public anger, Mr Siddaramaiah has said no to the demand for a CBI probe from various quarters.
While an online petition to Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been signed by 13.5 lakh people, including the state’s IAS officers, the lawmakers of opposition BJP and the JDS are on an indefinite dharna at the state assembly. . .